The humor of children blows me away. I knew that my Christmas Eve would be exciting due to spending it with a house full of Italians, but it was far past my expectations.
I woke up to French toast for the second day in a row, so I knew the day was going to be amazing. Then after I took a “short” nap we loaded up the car around 1pm in the pouring rain. As it was pouring down outside we avoided ocean sized puddles in the drive way, stuffed the car very strategically with two tricycles, Crème Brûlée, and Miett’s amazing meatballs. It was a great start to the day.
We took about a ten-minute drive down the gorgeous country roads, oh how I miss them, and approached Miett’s sister, Jada’s house. When we pulled up to the drive way and we had to avoid ocean sized puddles once again. It was great. I walked inside and was embraced with love, and the sound of a little girl crying. I quickly learned that Emma, who is just pushing four, decided it would be a good idea to squirt toothpaste everywhere in the bathroom. This was the moment that I learned Emma and I would be great friends the rest of the night. All I have to say is that when I was a about her age, you would say that I loved to be the center of attention. Emma is the cutest thing to walk the earth (besides a million other little kids who have stolen my heart at one point or another).
The rest of the night I was surrounded by amazing food, games, laughter, coffee, great memories, and a little girl who reminded me of myself when I was her age. I couldn’t stop thinking, “I bet I was just like that!”
Every time I walked past Emma and her sister, Elena, who is about the same age, would call my name, grab my hand and demand that I come to the basement with them to play. How could a person resist? She looked so cute with her little arm on her hip, and it wasn’t like I didn’t want to see them ride around on their new tricycles so I went. I had a blast. They were cracking me up. Telling me jokes left and right. They mostly consisted of blurting out my name, and then trying to quickly figure out what to say, but they were hilarious.
My night ended with Elena asking me if I was her cousin. She was so confused when I told her no. Then she responded with, “Well, I love you.” It made my heart melt. Once again, just as the day began with good food, it ends with good food. It also ended with Singing Christmas songs on the way home (off beat and out of tune), and my favorite movie, the Christmas Story with my great friends and my Italian family.