Friday, October 23, 2009

the oldest person

Growing up I never completely understood the importance of rules. I was confident that they were put in place to break. I heard a quote a long time ago, “The young person knows the rules, and the old person knows the exceptions.” Now looking back on all of the lessons that I have learned, I would have to say that person is wrong. There is a very important part left out. Not the old, but the oldest person knows why the rules were put into place. Last night in our X-Factor teaching Pastor Chilly mentioned something along the lines of traditions. He said, “Do not tear down the fence until you know why it was put in place.” We need to realize that goes along side with the subject of rules. We shouldn’t question to disobey rules until we know why they were put in place. When we know why they are in place, we still shouldn’t choose to disobey them. They are in place and that is all we need to know. When rules are not needed anymore they will be taken out of place. That is the importance of rules.

Rules that are in place were lessons that were once learned the hard way. In the past few weeks I have realized the importance of rules. They keep us safe, and teach us things. I would rather have rules in place then to learn a hard lesson any day of the week.

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