Two nights ago I was talking to my room mate, Erika. The last thing that we talked about, before falling asleep, was how I eat a million and 1 doughnuts...
I had a dream that night.
In my dream I was 5'1 and 800 pounds.
I was the worlds heaviest, shortest person. It was to the point that I couldn't get out of my house, so the fire department had to get a crane and lift me out of my house by removing the roof. (This next event is the part where you should refer to Willy Wonka.) I was so fat that I couldn't fit into any kind of vehicle so I was rolled down the one way street in front of my house.
I was so fat that I was on some sort of show like Oprah, and people started giving me money to have surgery to remove the fat from my huge body...
After the surgery I went from one extreme to the other. From 800 pounds to about 90 or so.
Lesson learned before reaching 800 pounds. I am done eating doughnuts.
That was... vivid. Although if you were 800 pounds, I'd still be your friend and love you the same. By the way, I've started another blog. http://beezsjourney.wordpress.com