One thing that I have always struggled with, but not so much now, was authority. Whenever I had to do something or go somewhere I wouldn’t ask my mom if I could go. I would just let her know where I was going, or that I would be back later. So now that I have three house mates, that I get permission from, and let know where Im going, I would have to say that I double check myself most times and make sure that Im not telling them instead of asking.
I’m improving.
APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU LIKE THE CAT MISSES A MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE A MOUSE MISSES CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE A RAT ON A CHEETO!!!!!!!!!!! :) YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Have an awesome and amazing day when you get this!!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) hee-hee-heeee!!!!