As I come close to finishing the first week of The Hole in our Gospel, I can say that I have been uprooted from my former way of thinking. Not only my paradigm; but also, my faith has been shifted. I have come to a point of realizing that my belief is not enough, my worship is not enough, and my personal morality is not enough. I know that God is asking more of me (he wants all of me).
My commitment to Jesus is sharing the good news; his character of love, justice, and mercy-all through our words and actions is a commitment to Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:20 kept getting to me as it was repeatedly popping up in Richard Stearns book, and small group study. It says, “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
Because of this study, I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions, but here are a few:
What exactly does “ambassador of Christ mean?!”
Is this something I do or something I am, or become?
All I know right now is that Jesus chooses us to represent him, to proclaim the GOOD NEWS, and to change the world or just one person (read quote below). “Living out our faith privately was never meant to be an option.”
“If you can’t feed 100 people, then just feed one.”
-Mother Teresa
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